
18. Dezember 2011

Zurück aus der Demotivation!

Nach diversen Rückschlägen gegen Ende Oktober und der akkuten Demotivationsphase im November, geht's hier und heute weiter mit Fotos und klugen Sprüchen!

Aber erst mal der Reihe nach: aus den 3 geplanten Fotokonzerten (Broilers, Heidenfest & Berliner Weisse) in der Arena Wien wurde nix. Beim ersten wurde mir die Kamera direkt am Eingang abgenommen, da "auf Wunsch der Band" keine Fotos gemacht werden dürfen. Ok, Broilers sind somit zu "Rockstars" mutiert und um es in ihren Worten zu sagen "Weg, weg von den Straßen ..."

Naja, am folgenden Tag war die Motivation dementsprechend gering, die Kamera wieder in die Arena zu schleppen für's Heidenfest. Also gibt's davon auch keine Foto.

Dann folgte die Motivations"krise" im November. Manche Fotografen drehen ja komplett durch, wenn sie auch nur einen Tag kein Foto machen. Sei es nun, um sich selbst Druck zu machen oder aus Panik, in Vergessenheit zu geraten. Mir ging's nur kurz so und ich muss schon sagen, so ein ganzes Monat ohne Kamera hat auch entspannende Nebenwirkungen :-)

Gut, weiter ging's am 10. Dezember in der kleinen Halle der Arena Wien mit den Spaßprolls aus Berlin, den Berliner Weissen! Feinster Oi!-Punk mit gutgelaunten Bands - einfach Spitze!
Hier wurde im Vorfeld um eine Fotoerlaubnis gebeten, die seitens der Arena Wien mit den Worten "eine spiegelreflex ist lt. veranstaltungsgesetz aus sicherheitsgründen nicht gestattet." ... Ja, klar ... Man möge mir die Passage im Gesetzestext bitte zeigen! Wenigstens konnte ich mit meinem Handy ein halbwegs brauchbares Bild machen. Voilà:

Gitarrist, Sänger und Berufskasperl - Toifel!

16. Oktober 2011

ABL Finale 2011

Gestern war's soweit. Attnangs Baseballstolz, die Athletics, mussten drei Spiele in Folge gewinnen um den 0:2 Rückstand in der Best-of-5 Serie gegen die Vienna Metrostars auszumerzen. Soviel voraus: Es hat nicht funktioniert, die Metrostars gewinnen die 2011er Meisterschaft mit einem Endstand von 3:1 nach zwei extremst spannenden Spielen im Athletics Ballpark. Macht nix, im nächsten Jahr geht der Titel wieder nach Attnang!

Aber da ihr ja nicht hier seid um die neuesten Baseballergebnisse zu lesen, kommen jetzt die Bilder von den zwei Top-Spielen. Enjoy:

13. Oktober 2011

Low-Key Selbstporträts

Quick news for all the English-speaking followers out there: WET-photo will be continued in my native language: German :-)

I am changing to German because after more than one year of blogging, statistics show that only 10 % of my audience are in fact from English-speaking countries like USA, Canada, Great Britain and India (you guys rock! How did you discover this blog???). 60 % of the German-speaking visitors come from Germany, 30 % from Austria (that ratio surprised me a bit :-D ) and 10 % from Switzerland.

Don't panic, photos mostly don't need words and I will continue to write most of my posts on DeviantArt, flickr, 500px, etc. in English ;-)

11. Oktober 2011

Nearly forgot ...

... to post this image:

About inner struggles, duality of minds, bipolar disorder and all that other funny brainfucking stuff:

Shooting this one was fun & to a certain degree surprisingly difficult. Who could have known ...
I'm currently thinking about redoing this shot because I don't like that my "screaming chin" is that close to the edge. More space would have been better.

Oh yes, by the way: tell your friends, stay tuned, etc.

10. Oktober 2011

Back with a bang (600mm f/4 & 14mm f/3.5)

Good photo god, what an incredible odyssey!

As you might remember: first my brand new D7000 + gimmicks get stolen. I had a hard time coping with this fact. Then I bought a new D7000, a new 50mm f/1.4 (this time a sweet AF-S Nikkor), a new battery grip and a new flash (SB-700 instead of SB-900). Then, the new D7000 decides after a short working phase to take some days off because the flash stopped working. Off to Nikon Service Point Vienna and another 2 ½ weeks without camera - FINE!

Now FINALLY everything is back in my hands, everything is working and everything is fine. So here's a quick recap of the last few weeks:

14. Juni 2011

The last in a while

Until I can replace my stolen gear I can't submit/take any new photos due to the lack of acceptable alternatives. There is just my mobile phone camera or my mother's pink point & shoot. Luckily, there are still two photos I recently took and really want to show.

It's my maternal grandfather!

Stay tuned!

7. Juni 2011

A lesson learned the hard way ...

... but a lesson truly learned! If you're one of my "real life friends" then you might already know. If you're one of the three people reading my blog then I will tell you now:

Never ever in a million years fall asleep on a train with your camera bag on the luggage rack above your head! If you do so, chances are extremely high that you will end up being my companion in misfortune: Your stuff gets stolen. So instead of posting some photos, I thought I might share some thoughts on photography + public transport travel (from and to assignments, etc.) today.

6. Mai 2011

Dead, hollow, abandoned (Linz, Pt. I)

Due to recent real estate investments of my employer I had the opportunity to shoot at a very interesting location: The empty, abandoned offices and production halls of Quelle (German mail order company, became bankrupt some time ago).
Actually, it's not that abandoned, there are plenty of construction workers ripping out the walls and copper cables to renovate the buildings.
Nevertheless, the feelings remain the same: Loneliness,  silence and the devastating effects of stupid financial decisions.

There are some great places to shoot. E.g. the vast tunnel system that makes you feel like you're in some secret military bunkers.
The dirty, empty offices where a lonely ceiling fan is still spinning.
The shallow maintenance corridors between the walls that are covered in dust and spider webs.

Just take a look at the photos to see what I'm talking about!

And yes, that IS a shopping cart in an office! And no, I don't know why it's there! :D

26. April 2011

The Boss is back!

"I want all you skinheads to get up on your feet. Put your braces together and your boots on your feet ... And gimme some of that oooooold Moon Stompin'!" said Roy Ellis (a.k.a. Mr. Symarip) and the crowd in Vienna's Ost-Klub went ape shit (in a very positive way)!

23. April 2011


I'm sorry to tell you that I have to quit photography with my Sony Alpha 200 :-( ... Read on to come to know why:

15. März 2011

Dunkler als die Nacht

("Darker than the night") was one of the few Black & Death Metal concerts in this region, happening @ Culture Club, Pichlwang. Black Metal ... that equals horrible stage lighting (for photographers), corpse paint, fast guitar riffs and lots of hairy headbanging dudes in front of the stage. Not the best circumstances for photography but it sure was fun for me and my 50mm glass (and of course the other folks on and in front of the stage)! ;-)

The only downside: I always had to keep the ISO between 400 and 800, sometimes even push it up to 1,600 ...

Anyway, enjoy!

26. Februar 2011

February wrap-up

It's been a quiet unproductive month for me due to the meteorological circumstances and the start of my time-consuming civilian service ... BUT there are some photos I still want to show! You might already know them from my flickr or RedBubble pages. If you haven't been there yet, check them out ;-).

So here are the photos, enjoy ...

The first photos show a weather effect we don't have very often in Austria - freezing rain. Due to the sub-zero temperatures of raindrops they form a layer of ice when hitting surfaces like branches and leafs for example ... and leave some really nice patterns & "ice sculptures". For instance the "floating" ice drop in the first photo.

6. Februar 2011

Hinterstoder, Super-G

Good evening readers!

I'm back again and I've brought some new photos with me :-) This time from Hinterstoder (Austria) where I had the chance to capture the men's Super-G ... Well, not the Super-G itself nor the athletes. I simply had no clear vision towards the finish line (too many flags, drunks & poles). So I focused on people and landscape.

Ok, I'll cut the usual chit-chat. Enjoy the photos ...

18. Januar 2011

The Turnip Trip

Welcome to the year 2011 on WET-photography!

Initially, I planned to do some morning shooting with the rising sun and the fallow fields but those damn clouds upset my plans. Eventually, the weather became slightly better around 10 AM so I grabbed my fast fifty and did some nice shots of the dead weeds (maybe turnips, maybe something different ... I can't tell) & other stuff.

So without wasting any more time: Here they are!